Thursday, April 7, 2016

Day Five: Modified Daniel Fast

Thursday, March 31, 2016

I had a rough night, not sleeping more than an hour or so without being awake for 20 minutes or so throughout the night. Because of this, it was an exhausting morning. I had hoped that the changes I’ve made in my diet would eliminate this sleeplessness, thinking perhaps it was a result of a food intolerance that I hadn’t yet narrowed down. I’m still hoping to see a change in my overall health as I continue this, but I also recognize that it will be harder and harder to continue, if I don’t have the motivation of feeling better. Do you have any suggestions about insomnia? I'm thinking it might be a change in hormones as I age (you know, 39 is the new 60, right?!) :-)

For breakfast, I had my flavorless Kashi 7-grain stuff with a boatload of dried fruit: blueberries (from my dehydrator), cranberries, and raisins. I ate it with coconut milk, and was reminded once again just how much I miss cow’s milk! 

I made the mistake of cutting up some of my green onions and putting them in the dehydrator, which filled the house with a yummy onion-y smell. This got me to craving onion soup, or at least the idea of it. Since I’ve never had onion soup, this was an odd craving to have. However, I found a couple of vegan recipes online and got working on it. First, I had to make more veggie broth, since I had used it all up on the Black and White chili last night. Then I proceeded to make a very small batch of onion soup, mixing in some of the pureed veggies from the broth process. That was the most horrible thing I’ve tasted on this whole Fast thus far! J Yikes! I don’t know if it was a bad version of onion soup, or if it was just proof that I don’t like onion soup, but it was NASTY! I forced the girls to try a bite, and they agreed. I tried it with tofu (telling myself it was just like cheese), and that didn’t help. 

The flatbread I had made Monday, which was a bit too chewy to be appetizing, I put in the toaster to crisp up, and that was the only way I could eat half a bowl. I sure hope my hubby likes it. I really hate to throw away food, but I can not eat that stuff again! [Update: hubby doesn't want it either, but another friend said it sounded great. I'm throwing it in the freezer and taking it to her next week!]

Fortunately, for dinner I had better success. Since we still have SOOO MUCH cauliflower and broccoli left from taking it to Easter dinner on Sunday, we needed a way to use it up more quickly. I made the Pan Roasted Cauliflower and Broccoli from the Daniel Fast book, using both oregano and basil for flavoring, with sea salt. It was a hit with every one of the kids and myself. I served it with spaghetti squash and Aldi pasta sauce, which we used to top the veggies, too. Overall, it was a flavorful meal, even though I missed the parmesan and meat I would usually have used.  Every one of the kids voted to do both the spaghetti squash and the roasted veggies again. Victory!

Remember how I mentioned insomnia at the beginning of this post? Here is one of the verses God showed me in my time with Him today. 
Psalm 3:4-5 ~ "I cried unto the Lord with my voice. He answered me from His holy hill. Selah. I lay me down and slept; I awaked, for the Lord sustaineth me."
Isn't that just like God to give me a specific encouragement about something so trivial as a good night's rest? Praise Him for His faithfulness!

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