Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Now THAT'S a good hubby!

As I sit here, surrounded by step-kids watching TV and lounging in a comfortable home, I am reminded of so many reasons for gratitude.  But then, my two little girls come to me, dressed by their sister in what we call "squishy pajamas", and offer their sloppy kisses before heading for bed. How is it that I can stay here on the computer, shopping for Christmas online and starting a blog, while a 5-year old and 3-year old kiss me and run off to bed?  That's how we got on the whole subject of the fabulous husband!  He was taking them to bed... he had to take a break from putting away clean dishes to do it, but he felt it was time they should be in bed, so he did it.  That's just one of the things I love about the man God has blessed me with!  He sees things to be done, and does them. In fact, I think that's a big part of how I can show my love to him... by overcoming my natural inclination to delay doing the little things until they became "bigger things" and just get them done, as a gift to him.

Short and sweet blog for tonight (my hubby would interject that "short and sweet" is just like me!).  Now that the fabulous hubby is done being so amazing, he's heading for bed, and we committed verbally before we were even married that we would always go to bed at the same time, to the extent it was possible.  I aim to keep my part of the deal, and to keep our relationship a top priority!

Thanks for reading... let me know what you think!

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