The promises of Scripture that most encourage and inspire me are those relating to the birth of the promised Messiah! What an honor to be thought of by a holy God, and to be cared for so deeply that He would see my need, and meet it in His own only Son. He planned for centuries the exact course history, His-story, would have to take in order for all the conditions to be perfect at the arrival of the Messiah. He orchestrated the rise and fall of world empires. He ordained the spread of a single language throughout the known world. He founded a dynasty and promised its forbears that someday their Son would sit on the throne of eternity!
Why did an Almighty God take such pains? Why did He plan such exacting and irrefutable details? Because I needed a Savior. He saw my need and wrote the prescription, multiple millenia before my mother felt the first flutter-kicks in her womb. God be praised! Christmas is truly the story of His gift!
Galatians 4:4 says, "In the fullness of time, God sent forth His son..." So many hundreds of prophecies were fulfilled to bring forth that exact baby, from those exact parents, into that precise historical era, with those precise world conditions. And all so that you and I could enjoy a personal relationship with the "Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Prince of Peace!" Without Christ, truly, what could we possibly find to celebrate at CHRISTmas?!
Merry Christmas! May you have courage to keep Christ the focal point of His celebration this season!
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