Monday, February 14, 2011

The most hurtful thing we can do to God...

Happy Valentines' Day! I hope you received an extra-special blessing from someone today, and that you were able to show God's love in a personal way to someone in your life.  On the radio today, I heard something that I really identified with, and it stopped me in my tracks. The host said, "The most hurtful thing we can do to God is to doubt His love for us." Before I was a parent, I think I would have taken issue with the way that was worded. However, as a step-parent and a parent, I think I understand exactly what was meant by that statement. I think the most hurtful thing my kids have said to me has been along the lines of "You don't even love us. You're just in this for what you can get out of it." As ludicrous as these statements are to those outside of our home, they still cause me pain, in part because there is simply no way to "prove" one's love to those who refuse to accept it. If someone chooses to see my actions as self-serving, nothing I can do will cause them to believe otherwise. In the same way, God surrounds us with His love and the product of that love: friends, family, circumstances, even beautiful sunrises and spring breezes! Yet, if we choose to believe that He does not love us, He does not choose to force Himself on us. I think that it must hurt Him, though.

I think the second most hurtful thing is to simply be ignored. Instead of someone actively accusing me of not loving them, sometimes I simply feel as though I don't exist, or that I exist only to the extent as any other household staff might exist. I pick them up, feed them, clean house, etc... just like anyone they could pay to take my place. In the same way, we can treat God as though He exists only for our pleasure. We come to expect a beautiful spring morning, and refuse to thank Him for the gift that it is. We anticipate the love of our children and spouse, but fail to show gratitude for the special way He has blessed us.

I pray today, as I am reminded of these truths, not only that I will acknowledge the place God has at the center of my life, but also that I will continually accept and reflect His awesome love to those He has brought across my path. I pray the same for you.

1 comment:

  1. Children are indeed mirrors and many things we see in them we can also see in ourselves at times. Good challenge--thanks for the exhortation:) Lord, may we all reflect your love to others and be so confident of your awesome love for us that it spills out to others!
